August Medium Duty Orders Up 10% M/M but Down 5% Y/Y

| September 8, 2016

August Medium Duty Orders Up 10% M/M but Down 5% Y/Y

According to the latest research, for the month of August, 16.900 new Classes 5-7 vehicle orders were booked on a preliminary basis.

“Moving past the seasonally soft early summer, Classes 5-7 orders rebounded to a three-month high 16,900 units in August,” said Kenny Vieth, ACT’s President and Sr. Analyst. “Despite rising 10% from July, orders failed to reach year-ago levels for a third time in the past four months, dropping 5% from year-ago August.”

Vieth said that seasonal adjustment does not dispel the notion that MD vehicle demand has moderated: “With a neutral factor, seasonal adjustment left the August order number unchanged at 16,900 units.”  Despite slower orders in recent months, MD Classes 5-7 net orders are running 3% ahead of year-ago order levels through YTD August. Year to date, Classes 5-7 net orders have been booked at an annualized rate just over 231,000 units (SA).

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