Autonomous Vehicle Market to Hit 95 Million in Annual Sales by 2035 Say Study

| July 16, 2014

self-driving carThe market for autonomous, or self-driving, vehicles will grow to 94.7 million in 2035 according to the latest info from Navigant Research.

“Combinations of advanced driver assistance features that can enable semi-autonomous driving are now being brought to market for the first time,” says David Alexander, senior research analyst with Navigant.

“The cost reductions brought about by increasing volumes and technological advances make the installation of the multiple sensors necessary for such capability feasible,” he added.

While more testing is still needed to ensure robustness, the biggest practical hurdles before rollout to the public are not technological but relate to liability, regulation, and legislation, according to the report.

If no government is willing to take the steps required to make autonomous vehicles legal on public roads, Navigant says that it could be a big obstacle for the emergence of widespread autonomous driving and the potential benefits it offers.

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