BlueTree Systems and ATDynamics Partner on Sensor for TrailerTail Technology

| October 21, 2013

Trailer technologyBlue Tree Systems Inc., a provider of reefer monitoring, trailer tracking, and in-cab fleet management solutions and ATDynamics,  a leading global supplier of semi-trailer rear-drag aerodynamics technology, have announced the availability of a modified door sensor to detect when a semi-trailer’s TrailerTail® aerodynamic device is properly deployed by a driver.

“TrailerTails have hands down proven to reduce drag and save fuel,” said Michael Eggleton, Jr., vice president of Raider Express, the first fleet to test and deploy the new sensor. “We have completed a fleet-wide roll-out of TrailerTail technology and we wanted a way to ensure that the devices were being properly deployed and our technology investments were being put to good use. The new sensor provides real-time reporting to confirm that the TrailerTail is deployed anytime the vehicle is moving at highway speeds.”

A recent adopter of BlueTree’s R:COM solution on its fleet of 270 refrigerated trailers, family-owned and operated Raider Express gives its drivers weekly fuel bonuses of two to five cents per mile. “We have always taken fuel costs seriously and rewarded those drivers that have the same mindset,” said Eggleton. “The drivers quickly learned the TrailerTails were giving them a real leg up on getting their bonus. The new sensor report is a great tool for management to show our drivers the role TrailerTails play not only in our bottom line, but theirs as well.”

“TrailerTail technology is a critical fuel savings investment for trucking fleets delivering thousands of dollars in savings annually per trailer,” said Andrew Smith, CEO of ATDynamics.  “The extension of telematics from truck and trailer monitoring systems like Blue Tree’s R:COM solution to aerodynamic equipment like ours is a natural progression and an accelerant to industry-wide adoption of fuel-saving technologies.”

Category: Fleet Diagnostics & Software

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