Christopher Ayala Named CEO of Alcohoot

| August 23, 2014

AlcohootAlcohoot, a smartphone breathalyzer with police grade fuel sensor technology, has named Christopher G. Ayala as Chief Executive Officer.

Ayala has 14 years of diverse professional experience, most recently as an operations and business development executive at ALK Technologies.

Prior to that, he was General Counsel for Native American Resource Partners LLC, and a senior associate practicing private equity, and mergers and acquisitions at Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP.

“Our charge,” Ayala said, “is to make Alcohoot more accessible to the public, expand our distribution, and to increase awareness of the brand and the benefits of the device and app. It’s both a business and social imperative…to vigorously work toward a continual reduction in the number of impaired drivers on the road.”

Alcohoot, according to the company, “gives accurate smartphone breathalyzer that enables users to easily track their blood alcohol levels and supports their decision to enjoy alcohol responsibly.”


Category: Driver Stuff, Fleet Diagnostics & Software, General Update

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