Con-way Buys 635 New Tractors with Automated Manual Transmissions and Twin Screw Axles

| April 20, 2015

Freightliner Cascadias

Con-way Truckload, a full truckload carrier has announced its purchase of 635 new, twin-screw tractors — each of which will be equipped with an Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) — in a replacement cycle that will, according to the company, “maintain the company’s 2,500-tractor fleet as one of the newest and most technically advanced in the truckload industry.”

This purchase of 575 new Kenworth T680s and 60 new Freightliner Cascadias, which are being delivered into the fleet in a phased deployment starting this month through November, represents an increase from 23 percent to 48 percent in the number of trucks outfitted with AMTs.

Driver surveys have indicated that AMT-equipped trucks are becoming increasingly popular, particularly with new drivers entering the profession, as it eliminates the need for the driver to operate a clutch and manually shift the truck through its gear sequence.

Much like an automatic transmission in an automobile, AMT’s shift the truck through its gears without intervention from drivers, which enables them to place additional focus on traffic and road conditions ahead, checking mirrors and employing proactive defensive driving techniques.

“Driver safety and comfort is of paramount importance to our company’s success, and we value our drivers’ input when we make fleet purchasing decisions,” said Joseph Dagnese, president of Con-way Truckload. “As a result, all of these trucks are not only equipped with the very latest safety technology, they also include features installed based on feedback from our drivers that help make these vehicles a better home away from home.”

The new trucks will deliver increased traction and improved handling provided by the twin screw axle configuration, advanced safety features such as lane departure and blind spot warnings, front-end collision avoidance and electronic stability control, as well as more head and legroom, a larger area between the seats and better visibility.

They also feature 1,500-watt power inverters that take DC power from the battery and convert it to AC power — allowing the driver to use small household appliances screen TVs, DVD players and music players.

Category: Featured, General Update

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