Freight Volumes and Expenditures Rise in February, 2014 Outlook Bright

| March 10, 2014

Freight IndexAccording to Cass Information Systems, “despite continued weather problems, North American shipment volume and freight spending both soared in February 2014.

Shipment volume rose 7.3 percent from January. Compared to last year, however, the number of shipments was down 0.4 percent.

February Freight Expenditures

Total expenditures on freight reversed a two-month decline with an increase of 6.8 percent in February. The expenditures index was up 6.4 percent from this time last year, 15.8 percent from February 2011, and was the highest February in the index’s history.

Expenditures have grown at a faster rate than shipment volume, and the economy has yet to feel the rate increases that should be coming later this year when capacity tightens and carriers take back the reigns for rate control.


Railroad carloads declined early in February, but recovered in the second half of the month. Total carloads were the highest since November.

Intermodal loadings also declined two weeks out of four during February, but ended the month 5.0 percent higher than January (also the best showing since November).

Category: Featured, General Update

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