Genesis Fuel Corporation Launches Digital Diesel

| February 21, 2019

Digital Diesel gives Trucking Companies the Ability to Lock-In Long-Term Diesel Prices

Genesis Fuel Corporation announced the availability of Digital Diesel an interactive diesel fuel service allowing trucking companies to digitally lock-in current diesel prices, store digital diesel on the Genesis Fuel Card and convert it to actual diesel fuel at more than 9,800 fueling locations nationwide whenever they wish.

By providing a service that allows trucking companies to secure thousands of gallons of diesel digitally at a locked-in price with no time expiration, carriers are able to convert their largest variable business costs into a known fixed cost over the life of the Digital Diesel contract.  This gives carriers a potential competitive edge to win more jobs, increase their bottom line and apply profits to other important areas such as driver retention.

“We’ve spent four years perfecting our business model,” states Genesis Fuel’s President, CEO & Founder Steve Schmidt.  “We’ve also developed a dynamic and secure user interface that carriers can easily use to manage, track and control their Genesis Fuel Cards and maximize the program’s effectiveness.  Based on our beta tests and our preliminary work with various carriers, we believe we have something here that will fundamentally change the industry.”

The Digital Diesel Fuel Price Protection program gives users piece-of-mind to handle prices slightly lower than contracted rates should prices at the pump decline.  If customers fuel up at a lower price per gallon than their Digital Diesel locked-in cost, Genesis Fuel Corporation credits the difference even before the driver pulls out of the truck stop.  When the pump price is higher than the contracted rate, the customer pockets the difference, and that profit goes straight to the bottom line. Mr. Nick Babev with MaxFreight agrees: “Fuel prices vary from location-to-location every day, but Digital Diesel along with the Pricing Engine they’ve developed takes the guesswork out of one of our largest variable expenses and transforms it into a predictable fixed cost.  It really takes the ‘if’ out of the equation.”

Category: Featured, Fuel & Oil, General Update, News

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