Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Bus Fleet on DriveCam

| July 28, 2014

GRTAThe Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) will outfit more than 400 buses with an in-vehicle video recording system to improve safety, reduce operator error and enhance the system’s overall performance.

For the initiative, GCRTA has inked a deal with Lytx, Inc. (formerly DriveCam Inc.), a leader in delivering driver safety and compliance solutions.

Named best public transit system in North America by APTA in 2007, GCRTA is a public transit agency based in Cleveland, Ohio that serves Cuyahoga County.

The agency reached its decision following a six-month trial that included 100 vehicles in a side-by-side comparison based on the driver coaching criteria from each participating vendor’s system.

The Lytx system is noted for simple user-interface, real-time feedback for operators, flexible reporting tools for analysis, idling and fuel efficiency reporting.

DrivecamDriveCam powered by Lytx is designed to prevent incidents, reduce injuries and save lives by combining video with predictive analytics, real-time driver feedback and coaching, empowering fleets to identify and correct the driving behaviors that lead to 90% of collisions.

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Category: Fleet Diagnostics & Software, General Update, Management

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