J.B. Hunt Transport Confirms Well Established ELD Compliance

| March 14, 2016


J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:JBHT) has released an executive briefing on the new electronic logging device (ELD) requirement now mandated by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and confirms that the company has been on the program for more than a decade.

Noted Greer Woodruff, SVP Safety for the company, “J.B. Hunt has been using electronic logging devices for years. “We recognized the benefits of this technology early on and understand that using an ELD is simply the smart choice for drivers. It offers improved visibility into a driver’s available hours, a more driver-friendly process for documenting record of duty status and overall helps reinforce Hours of Service requirements, thus reducing driver fatigue. Nothing is more important than safety, and this mandate helps keep our roads safe.”

The company’s briefing takes a look at the mandate, the benefits of implementation and how it affects shippers and capacity in the transportation industry. J.B. Hunt started installing ELDs more than a decade ago and appreciates the benefits the mandate brings to Hours of Service compliance, paperwork reduction and safety.

The mandate is estimated to prevent more than 500 injuries per year, save approximately 26 lives annually and reduce administrative expenses. The net regulatory financial savings of ELD implementation is estimated at more than $1 billion industrywide. Included in the briefing are deadlines for implementation and resources for further study.

The briefing is available here.

Category: General Update

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