Love’s Travel Stops Features Mobile Pay on App

| March 26, 2018

Love’s Travel Stops

Love’s Travel Stops, a leading travel stop network, now allows professional drivers to start diesel pumps and pay for fuel from the comfort and safety of their cabs.

“Customers were asking for a mobile pay function that would allow them to conveniently answer prompts and start the pump without leaving their trucks, so we made that a top priority,” said Frank Love, co-CEO of Love’s Travel Stops. “We worked with drivers to gather feedback to decide how we updated and improved the Love’s Connect app, and we encourage existing app users to upgrade to the new version so they access Love’s Pay and My Love Rewards features.”

Additionally, new features on the Love’s Connect app include: store details; rewards status; credits; and, loyalty receipts.

The app is designed to better manage stops and improve roadside assistance with screens that link to nearby truck tire care.

The new version of Love’s Connect is available in the iTunes store and the Google Play store.

Category: Featured, General Update, News

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