Obama Puts Energy into Focus this Week

| March 12, 2013

President Obama and EnergyCourtesy of The Hill by Zack Colman: President Obama will put energy in focus when he visits the Argonne National Laboratory on Friday.

Obama’s trip to the Chicago-area Energy Department (DOE) facility comes after he and aides met with energy experts and industry officials last Thursday.

Obama is juggling several key energy issues as he heads into that appearance. Gasoline prices have been increasing this year (though they fell last week), lobbying on the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline is intensifying and the Senate is already vetting some of his energy-related Cabinet picks.

The Senate Energy Committee questioned Sally Jewell, Obama’s choice to run the Interior Department, last Thursday.

Jewell, who is currently the chief executive for outdoor equipment retailer REI, has the backing of many industry and green groups.XL Pipeline

But some Republicans weren’t ready to offer their support. Expect them to submit formal questions for Jewell throughout the week.

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) who criticized Jewell’s work on the board of the National Parks Conservation Association, filed his questions last week, his office told The Hill.

And speculation will mount as to whether Obama’s recent picks to run DOE and the Environmental Protection Agency can pass muster with Republicans.

Category: General Update, Transit News

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