PCS Software Launches FreightNet, a Free Network Designed to Connect Carriers and Shippers

| July 27, 2023

An innovative service that enables Carriers to maximize market exposure to Shippers and expand their business opportunities

PCS Software, an AI-Powered, Transportation Management Platform for Shippers and Carriers, announced the launch of FreightNet, a ground-breaking network designed to foster direct connections between big-brand Shippers and Carriers.

FreightNet, a dynamic and free-to-use network, allows high-quality carriers to register and share their preferred lanes and assets. Carriers that meet PCS quality standards will be visible to PCS Software’s Shipper clientele. This enables Carriers to maximize exposure with Shippers, connect with leading brands, and build more profitable relationships.

PCS Shipper customers can leverage the ability to connect with quality Carriers within their TMS or register their private fleet to gain visibility into backhaul opportunities and reduce empty miles. Direct access to quality Carriers eliminates confusion and enables more effective partnerships.

FreightNet promotes sustainable logistics practices by improving transparency between the Carrier and the Shipper.

“I am excited to introduce FreightNet to the market, as it represents a significant step forward in our commitment to enhancing the freight industry. With FreightNet, we are providing quality carriers and shippers with a valuable, free tool that will improve their capabilities, streamline operations, and foster stronger relationships. We aim to facilitate faster and more efficient communications and connections within the industry. FreightNet will bring positive changes, enabling carriers and shippers to unlock new opportunities and drive business growth. This is just another example of our innovative journey, and we look forward to delivering more advanced solutions to shape the future of freight.” – Chris Poelma, CEO of PCS Software.

Category: Accessories, Connected Fleet News, Driver Stuff, Featured, Fleet Tracking, General Update, News, Tech Talk

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