PrePass Safety Alliance Adds over 1,000 New Roadway Safety ALERTS™

PrePass ALERTS warn truck drivers of Steep Grades, Gusty Winds, Runaway Truck Ramps, Work Zones, Truck Parking Availability, Rest Areas
To make trucks drivers aware of road hazards, work zones, parking spaces, and more, PrePass Safety Alliance recently completed work on more than 1,000 new PrePass ALERTS™. Carriers across the country now benefit from nearly 1,400 PrePass ALERTS that appear in-cab on the PrePass MOTION weigh station bypass application.
PrePass ALERTS warn truck drivers of Steep Grades, Gusty Winds, Runaway Truck Ramps, Work Zones, Truck Parking Availability, Rest Areas, No Commercial Roads, and Brake Check Chain-Up Areas. PrePass Safety Alliance offers ALERTS as a no-cost, added benefit of the PrePass MOTION app, available on Android and iOS powered devices and in-cab telematics systems.
As the non-profit provider of PrePass services, PrePass Safety Alliance has maintained a safety focused mission since its origin more than 25 years ago. According to Mark Doughty, President & CEO of PrePass Safety Alliance, the addition of ALERTS takes it a step further.
“This expansion of the ALERTS system on PrePass MOTION gives drivers very important information to keep them safe and on time as they travel down the road,” Doughty said. “Working in collaboration with our state agency, enforcement and trucking industry partners, PrePass was the first bypass platform to offer these safety enhancements, and we expect more growth in the program soon.”
PrePass MOTION operates as a standalone app or in conjunction with the PrePass transponder for weigh station bypassing. The MOTION weigh station bypass app is an enhancement that offers additional bypass sites and increased functionality, including ALERTS.
“PrePass Safety Alliance is the only weigh station preclearance provider that offers multiple bypass technology choices. When traditional transponders and MOTION are paired together, customers get the most complete and reliable bypass service available,” said Doughty. “Most importantly, PrePass ALERTS provides information that can immediately and directly improve highway safety and efficiency.”
Category: Accessories, Connected Fleet News, Driver Stuff, Equipment, Featured, Fleet Tracking, General Update, News, Safety