Schedule for Deploying New Roadside Safety Devices Approved

| December 24, 2015

Road repairs

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials today announced that it has approved a schedule for implementing the use of roadside safety hardware devices (such as guardrail, crash cushions, etc.) on the National Highway System that meet new crash-testing standards.

AASHTO’s members voted in support of the schedule that will require new and replacement installations of roadside safety hardware on the National Highway System to meet crash-testing standards laid out in the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), which presents uniform guidelines for crash-testing permanent and temporary highway safety features and recommends evaluation criteria to assess test results.

An update to the manual is expected in 2016.

“The nation’s motor vehicle fleet continues to evolve and our roadside hardware must keep pace,” said Bud Wright, AASHTO executive director. “Vehicles have increased in size and light-truck bumper heights are higher. It’s important that AASHTO and the transportation safety community support the design and manufacture of roadside devices that meet the safety needs of America’s changing vehicle fleet.”

The schedule was established based on the anticipated availability of products that meet MASH criteria, including time needed to develop and test these devices.

Category: Featured, General Update

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