The State of Fleet EV Adoption: Insights from a Survey of NAFA Membership

| June 5, 2024

Nearly 280 NAFA members responded to the survey, which explored current fleet electrification levels

Nearly 280 NAFA members responded to the survey, which explored current fleet electrification levels, future acquisition plans, electrification timelines, and common pain points faced during the electrification process.

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Some highlights:

  • Despite their higher initial cost, EVs have a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICE) dueto reduced fuel and maintenance expenses. Also, due to federal and state incentives, such as tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, offset the cost of EV charging infrastructure
  • EVs offer a better driver experience: reduced emissions, quiet operation, more responsive acceleration
  • Fleet Managers are investing in EVs, with the majority focused on class 1 and 2. The adoption of medium- and heavy-duty EVs has been more gradual
  • Only 27% of respondents plan to further invest in electrifying their fleets within the next year, as compared to the 58% of respondents that have already acquired EVs
  • Common obstacles: Over half of the respondents (54.51%) pointed to the scarcity of models that meet their fleet’s range requirements, and nearly 30% noted a lack of models with the features and functionalities they desired.

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