Truck Fleet Boosts Service and Safety with In-Cab Data Service

| July 28, 2014

Ready TruckingJust months after installing Rand McNally’s TND™ 760 in-cab devices, Ready Trucking of Ellenwood, Georgia reports that it is “able to evaluate and manage more data, allowing dispatchers to reduce the time they spend on the phone.”

As a result, executives at the 100-truck company, say their dispatchers have been able to increase the time they have to plan and make better decisions, ultimately increasing the service and safety offered to their customers and drivers.

The company began evaluating mobile communications as early as 1992, recognizing that accessing information in real time would improve efficiency in its operations while supporting and exceeding the expectations of customers.

The cost of implementation had been a hurdle until now.

“In the past, the hardware associated with mobile communications was expensive, proprietary, and difficult to install and maintain,” said Morgan Hulsey, Executive Director of Operations at Ready Trucking.

Rand McNally“For example, we only have to manage a single device with Rand McNally, versus three different unit parts in older generation equipment,” he added.

With the new TND™ 760 devices on board, Ready Trucking has raised its game in safety and compliance by increasing accuracy and reliability of hours of service recording.

The company also uses it to provide an interface directly to its dispatch software. Now, dispatchers can seamlessly assign loads to drivers and the company can manage communication and service levels throughout the organization automatically.

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Category: Driver Stuff, Featured, Fleet Diagnostics & Software, General Update, Management

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