Use of Electronic Truck Logging Jumps to 35%, Study Says

| April 5, 2013

Courtesy Transport Topics: The number of carriers using electronic logging devices on all of their trucks jumped to 35% in February from 25% in May of last year, according to a new study from Transport Capital Partners.

Two-thirds of those surveyed said they are testing or utilizing electronic logging devices in their trucks, and 10% said they were considering but have not started using the devices.

Electronic Truck LogFor larger carriers with $25 million or more in annual revenue, 43% said they were using electronic logging, while 71% of smaller carriers say they were not utilizing the devices.

TCP said it attributes the higher rate of use in larger carriers to their having the financial resources to make the change while smaller carriers are postponing the expense until the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s expected electronic onboard recorder mandate goes into effect.

Category: General Update, Management

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