Lee Trans Navigates the Future of Transportation Compliance and Risk Management with Creatio’s No-code Platform

| October 30, 2023

A leader in transportation compliance and risk management is leveraging Creatio’s innovative platform to secure and drive future growth within the industry

Creatio, a global vendor of one platform to automate workflows and CRM with no-code and a maximum degree of freedom, today announced Lee Trans Transportation Compliance, a prominent name in transportation compliance and risk management, is using Creatio to pave a path toward improved customer service and greater efficiency and growth within their industry. 

Lee Trans, based in Texas, US, is a leader in the trucking industry providing services in several southern US states. The company offers various tools to help clients with regulations, fleet management, and audits. More recently, the transportation compliance giant recognized a need to evolve its technological backbone to continue delivering unparalleled customer service.

The search for a new platform was a critical juncture for Lee Trans, a company at the crossroads of innovation and expansion. Having identified limitations with their previous systems, they needed something more agile and responsive. Their pursuit led them to Creatio, and they were immediately drawn in by its no-code platform and composable architecture.

With Creatio, Lee Trans successfully built 270 processes, automating many manual systems, and replacing them with more streamlined and integrated solutions. Unlike before, the company could now develop these solutions internally, without the need for an army of developers. 

“While we have developers to refine our work, we’re getting most of the way there ourselves, reaching about 90% completion before needing their expertise. What’s exciting is that we’re creating foundational pieces that can be further developed for future automation. The tangible results are impressive: I’m saving a substantial amount each year, our processes are operating more smoothly, and we have the flexibility to enhance existing components, amplifying their effectiveness tenfold,” said Justin Sowell, Director of Special Projects, Lee Trans Transportation Compliance.

With Creatio’s no-code platform, the trucking compliance specialist not only inherited the freedom and agility to bring their ideas to life faster than ever before, but they adopted flexible and adaptive digital strategies that dynamically reflect their customer and growth goals.

Discover more from Lee Trans’ success story.

Category: Connected Fleet News, Featured, Fleet Diagnostics & Software, General Update, News, Safety, Tech Talk, Tools

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